Le LA3M au Colloque “Medieval accountability: normativity, numeracy, and rhetoric from the institutional to the domestic sphere”

30 May 2023 par Anne Cloarec-Quillon
Université de Bucarest, 2-3 juin 2023

François Otchakovsky-Laurens sera présent au Colloque “Medieval accountability: normativity, numeracy, and rhetoric from the institutional to the domestic sphere”.

Il communiquera sur “The municipal accountability of fourteenth-century Marseille”.

Ce colloque se tiendra les 2 et 3 juin 2023 à Bucarest.

The last two decades of research into medieval ideas and practices of accountability emphasised the multifaceted nature of this subject, from financial accountancy to norms of conduct in office to broader notions of social responsibility. As individual studies tended to focus on one or a couple of specific aspects, it becomes important at the present historiographical juncture to direct our attention to the points of articulation between the different practices of accountability, circa 1200–1500. This two-day conference invites contributions that examine accountability from multiple angles and test new approaches. We particularly encourage comparisons between the institutional and the private sphere, for instance as regards the mutual influences and shared culture of accountability/responsibility. Equally, we welcome contributions that discuss the relation between, on the one hand, numeracy and accounting, and on the other hand, memoranda and instructions about conduct in office or more broadly in society. As a way of expanding the traditional emphasis on accounting records, papers can also explore other sources that evince relevant aspects of social and institutional conduct and one’s responsibility for it, such as administrative reports and inquests.

source : https://regidel.hypotheses.org/2715


Programme complet du colloque : https://regidel.hypotheses.org